As I am reading a blog, or listening to a pastor at church, or listening to a podcast, or watching a youtube sermon, do I say to myself, "Yeah, that makes sense. I think I'll believe that," without checking it against God's Word? It's one of the best and easiest ways to be deceived. Many things can sound great, but they aren't based in scripture. Or something can be taken out of context, and that context is necessary, even essential, to the meaning of the passage. It's an easy trap to fall into, especially for particularly young Christians as I was at the time. Add that to the huge pride problem I had, and you have a recipe for disaster.
Reading the Bible was imperative to me if I wanted to change. How can I know God if I am unwilling to pursue Him by reading His Word? How can I know Him if I don't pray and ask Him to reveal Himself through the scripture that I am reading? I had to ask myself these questions after my husband started memorizing John 15:1-17. He would say the verses aloud so often that I had most of them memorized by the time he was done.
John 15: 5-6 (NIV) states: "I (Jesus) am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned."
How do I remain in Jesus? I read His word and pray. I pursue this one-on-one relationship with my Creator. I understand that I can't do anything without Him.
So, now, it's confession time. I do not have a routine during the summer, and because of that it has become easier and easier to not read the Bible and have some quiet time with Jesus. The last two weeks I've only uttered a few "mini-prayers". There hasn't been any focused time trying to feed that relationship.
The result has not been pretty. I've been a bear - grouchy, crabby, selfish.... you get the picture. I felt the anger that I thought that I'd dealt with 7 years ago slowly easing back in. These last two weeks have been stressful. This is our busiest time at church during the year, and our extended family has been through a tragic event. There's been tension between Michael and I, and the kids have been fighting more and more everyday. When I most needed to be full of Jesus, I ignored Him! So I took the cue today and finally spilled everything before God, knowing that He can handle it better than I.
The result isn't that God has taken away my circumstances, but He has given me a better perspective and discipline to deal with things in better ways than I have been. I also haven't been angry today. Some days I just need God to give me a kick in the pants and remind me that my fruit is based in Him and Him alone. No one else can fill that void no matter how much I want them to fill it. Only He has the power to change me.
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